Authors |
Rozhkova Liliya Valer'evna, Doctor of sociological sciences, associate professor, head of the sub-department of economics and international relations, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Dubina Al'bina Shagidullovna, Candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economics and international relations, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Tishina Ekaterina Mikhaylovna, Senior lecturer, sub-department of descriptive geometry and graphics, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (28, German Titov street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The efficiency improvement mechanism involves the work of a set of management mechanisms, production processes and organizational measures, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of credit activities, subject to optimization of the resources available to the enterprise, leading to the achievement of the necessary economic effect. The research objective consists in the analysis of mecha-nisms of increase in overall performance of the financial organizations by management of client loyalty.
Materials and methods. Realization of research tasks was reached on the basis of studying of legal, scientific sources of information, a research of experience of microfinance institutions. The methodology of a research is based on system approach.
Results. The theoretical analysis of formation of client loyalty is carried out, mechanisms of management of client loyalty, loyalty of microfinance institution are considered. On the example of the financial organization LLC Bystrodengi models of management of client loyalty are opened.
Conclusions. A number of recommendations about introduction of innovations in a control system of client loyalty which are directed to increase in overall performance of microfinance institution allowed to develop the analysis of activity of LLC Bystrodengi.
Key words |
loyalty, client loyalty, financial organizations, mechanisms of increase in efficiency, management of client loyalty
References |
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